Professional Articles and Publications


"Administrative Team" Stars and Stripes (1964), Military Overseas Newspaper  


"Administrative InternshipAnnual Report (1967), Evanston Township High School


"Student Lounge or Study Hall -- Effect upon GradesThe Clearing House, November (1969)


"Advisory Councils:  One Way to Increase Staff Participation" Journal of Education Personnel Relations (1971)


"A Comparison of Student Study Habits and Attitudes on Traditional and Modular SchedulingThe North Central Association Quarterly, Winter (1972)


"Alternative Programs Altered in MinnetonkaCurriculum Leadership, March (1973)


"Have Your School Board Meetings Been Different Lately?" Minnesota School Boards Journal, August (1975)


"Volunteerism Helps Meet New School Needs, Part I," Minnesota School Boards Journal, March(1984)


"Volunteerism, Part II" Minnesota School Boards Journal April (1984)


"Exemplary Staff Development ProgramsThe School Administrator, American Association of School Administrators, August (1984)


“A Response to the Berman Weiler Report" Legislative Position Paper, Minnesota Association of School Administrators, February (1985)


"Staff Development Program, Minnetonka" The School Administrator, American Association of School Administrators, March (1985)


Poem: “Save Our Schools (S.O.S),” Minnetonka School District, September (1988)


“1980’s, A Decade of Introspection and Change,” Sun-Sailor, December (1989)


"Superintendent Speaks Out," Minnesota Association School Administrators Newsletter, September (1989)


"Role of Computer Consortium in Children's Education," Total Information Education Services Newsletter, April (1990)


"How Superintendent Uses Technology," Executive Report, June (1990)


"Teaching to the Head and Heart," USA Today, August (1990)


“Principles for Professional Teachers, Minnetonka School District, August (1990)


"A Purpose for Every Life," Decision Magazine, September (1990)


Five Editorials Annually in the Minnetonka School News (69 total articles)


Numerous White Papers such as School Finance and Outcome Based Education


Several Hundred of Recommendations for Individuals Seeking Advancement


Booklet Co-author:  Learning and Living: Integrating Asset Building into a School’s Mission, Search Institute of Minneapolis, July (1995), Second Edition(1999)


Booklet:  Ten Lesson I’ve Learned about Investments:  Viewpoints from the Other Side of Retirement, American Asset Management Company, December (1966)


Asset Framework Uniting Entire Communities,” Leadership News, American Association of School Administrators, October (1998)


Book: Retirement Straight Talk: Stories and Wisdom of Educators, Scarecrow Education, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford (2003)


“Directing Our VOICE for the Greater Good,” Leaders Forum, Minnesota Association of School Administrators, Fall (2005)


A Clear Rendering of Critical Life Values,The School Administrator, American Association of School Administrators, November (2005)


Book:  Three Island Lake History, Three Island Lake Association, Marcell, MN (2005)


“What Does the Title, Super-in-tend-ent, Mean to You?” The School Administrator, American Association of School Administrators, March (2006)


“Respectful Behaviors in District 5950 Rotary Clubs,” Compendium, District 5950, Rotary International, May, (2006)


“Adding Chinese to Our Language Offerings,” The School Administrator, American Association of School Administrators, November (2006)


“Partnering with Administrators: How Best to Approach Administrators with Travel Plans,” Student and Youth Traveler, January (2007)


“History of Faith Presbyterian Church,” Jubilee 2007 Debt Redemption, Faith Presbyterian Church, March (2007)


“The Gift Package of Retirement,” The School Administrator, American Association of School Administrator, December (2007)


Grandpa's Prayers for Special Occasions, (2007)


“CUP (Challis) and BIBLE: Story Behind Faith Hall Picture Window,” Pictorial Directory, Faith Presbyterian Church, March (2008)


“The Critical Missing Standard,” Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals, House Organ, February (2009)


Autobiography: A Journey of Thanksgiving: Lifetime Memories of Learning, Loving, Leading and Looking Back (2009)


The Adventures of BIG DOG: Troubles and Triumph (2011)


Powerful Potential of Parent(s): A Child's First, Best and Only Lifelong Teacher (2014)