Dr. Don Draayer


High School Diploma, Albert Lea, MN, 1953

AA Degree, (top of class) Bethel College, St. Paul, MN, 1955

BS Degree (highest distinction), Univ. of MN, 1957

MA Degree, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 1960

Doctorate (full-tuition scholarship), University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana, IL, 1966



Taught middle school students (student teaching) – Univ. of MN Lab School, Minneapolis

Taught high school students (student teaching) – North High School, Minneapolis

Taught elementary students (4 years) – Battle Creek, Michigan/ Tokyo, Japan

Elementary principal (1 year) – Department of Defense (DOD), Yokota Air Force, Japan

Supervising principal, DOD elem. & middle schools (2 yrs.) – Tachikawa Air Base, Japan

NASSP Administrative Intern (1 year) – Evanston Township High School, Evanston, IL

High school principal (4 years) – West Leyden High School, Northlake, Illinois

College and university instructor (adjunct role) – Urbana/Champaign, Illinois

Assistant superintendent for instruction (1 ½ years) – Minnetonka, MN

Superintendent (22 ½ years) – Minnetonka, MN

Search Institute keynoter and trainer (7 years) – Minneapolis, MN

Senior fellow and lecturer of record (5 years) – University of Minnesota

Educational consultant (14 years) – speaker, analyst, planning, evaluation

Author – articles, pamphlets, and multiple books



Albert Lea Junior Chamber of Commerce Safe Driving Rodeo, 1953

Battle Creek Teachers Association Scholarship, 1957

Community Relations Award, Tachikawa, Japan, 1962

Civil Service, Sustained Superior Performance Award, 1963

University of Illinois, Graduate School Tuition-free Scholarship, 1964

Bush Foundation, Executive Fellows Award, 1981

MASA, Administrator of Excellence, 1987

President Suburban School Superintendents, USA, 1988

MASA, Minnesota Superintendent of the Year, 1990-91

AASA, National Superintendent of the Year, 1990-91

Lake Conference Athletic Association, Distinguished Service Award, 1992

North Central Accreditation, John W. Vaughn Excellence in Education Award, 1993

Excelsior Chamber of Commerce, Person of the Year, 1995

Univ. of MN, College of Education and Human Development, Senior Fellow Award, 1996

Selection Committee, AASA National Superintendent of the Year, 1997-2007

AASA Distinguished Service Award, 1998

Rotary District 5950 Ideals Award, 2007

Distinguished Graduate, Albert Lea High School, 2008