Dr. Don Draayer

REVIEWS and ENDORSEMENTS for Retirement Straight Talk

 “More than 300 educators have trusted Dr. Donald Draayer enough to share their innermost feelings and fears about retirement – their difficulties in making a choice to retire, the challenges they faced after making the decision, and the uncertainty of realigning their lives for a new environment outside of the classroom. I certainly appreciate his vision to capture the accounts of these educators’ experiences in a delightful and informative easy-read publication.  I believe Retirement Straight Talk: Stories and Wisdom from Educators is a great resource that will help anyone planning to leave their profession prepare for the emotional, mental, financial, and physical changes of retirement.”

Dr. John Wilson, Executive Director, National Education Association

“The rocking chair image of retirement no longer applies in American life. The choices, challenges, and commitments facing people in retirement today are beautifully laid out by Draayer, the 1990 AASA National Superintendent of the Year, who draws upon the stories and wisdom of over 300 retired educators across the USA. Obviously people prepare for their entry to their professions. But what are people doing to transition at the end of their long careers? Common sense answers fill the pages of this book. Values and commitments held dear during work years do not end at retirement; they find new venues of expression. This book speaks with sensitivity and boldness to every person nearing the end of their career and is also a valuable resource for those whose formal study includes aging and retirement.

Dr. Paul Houston, Executive Director, American Association of School Administrators

"…Points are punctuated with vignettes that make the reading easy, the insights believable, and the recommendations worthwhile.  School leaders counseling others who are near the end of their career will find this book on retirement to be an excellent resource and to be a perfect "farewell" gift, too..."

Dr. Gerald Tirozzi, Executive Director, National Association of Secondary School Principals


"…Using stories and thoughts from educators who have moved into retirement, Draayer provides a helpful guide to those who are thinking about the next stages of their lives…"

Dr. Vincent L. Ferrandino, Executive Director, Nat’l Elementary School Principals Association


“…Fresh insight, candid realism, and great reassurances about retirement are provided by Dr. Draayer…in easy-to-read format. Each chapter ends with questions that promote self or group introspection.  Every person facing retirement will find companionship, intimacy, and wisdom within this book’s covers for one of life’s major transitions…”

Dr. Gene Carter, Exe. Director and CEO, Assoc. for Supervision and Curriculum Development


“…Retirement Straight Talk offers its readers helpful resources and suggestions to prepare for the enormous changes brought on by retirement, along with the companionship and comfort of other educator's experiences…”

Dr. Robert Bruininks, President, University of Minnesota


“…From practical advice to thoughtful recounting of the adventures, missteps, plans and successes of retired educators, Draayer offers the reader a comprehensive guide to planning retirement.  Stepping from the familiar into the unknown evokes feelings of insecurity and anxiety, as well, the excitement needed to follow new paths.  Retirement Straight Talk offers a pragmatic and joyful roadmap into retirement…”

Mrs. Diane Barrett, Director National Education Programs, USA Today